5. Setting type “A” parameters
A1) Holiday program:
enabling of key
function even for temporary
forcing of 1 or more days,
which will be activated only if the user holds the key
pressed for over 5 seconds..
Afterwards the user can set days from 1 (today) to 21. He can then
exit the function as standard forcing is exited.
Settings: OFF - On
(default On)
A2) Limitation of operating time under telephone control:
if activated, it limits operation of the control given through
he telephone actuator between the times of 6 and 48 hours by mul
tiples of 6 hours (OFF = unlimited).
Settings: OFF - 6h - 12h - 18h - 24h - 30h – 36h – 42h - 48h
(default OFF)
A3) Enabling of time programming diversified between heating
and air-conditioning:
if activated, it makes it possible to set differentiated time programs
between winter and summer mode. On the “PROG” page of the
display, the E/I key is then enabled to set the relative programs..
Settings: OFF - On
(default OFF)
A4) Choosing operating mode ensuing
telephone activation:
selection of AUTO – MAN - OFF operating mode when activated by tele-
phone (in MAN mode, it is also possible to set and memorise a specific
operating temperature).
When using the chronothermostat via touch-screen, the telephone con-
trol is ignored (but not disabled). The contact must therefore be reopened
manually to be able to operate it once again correctly in closing
- MAN ---> Choosing temperature
(default AUTO)
A5) Blocking or limiting operating temperature
Limiting or blocking the possibility of the user modifying the “comfort”
and “energy-saving” temperatures. Forcing settings differentiated
between winter and summer mode.
Winter setting: OFF - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 – 5
Summer setting: OFF - 0 - (-1) - (-2) - (-3) - (-4) - (-5)
(default OFF - OFF)
A6) Correction of thermometer error due to installation
Setting an offset between measured temperature and operating
temperature indicated on the display. Settings differentiated between
winter and summer mode
°C settings:
(-4) - (-3.5) - (-3) - (-2.5) - (- 2) - (-1.5) - (-1) – 0.0
- 1 - 1.5 - 2 - 2.5 - 3 - 3.5 - 4
°F settings:
(-7.0) - (-6.0) - (-5.0) - (-4.0) - (-3.0) - (-2.0)
- (-1.0) - 0.0 - 1.0 - 2.0 - 3.0 - 4.0 - 5.0- 6.0 - 7.0
(default 0.0 – 0.0)
A7) Setting system type:
Selection of operating mode.
- Heating and air-conditioning
- Heating only
- Air conditioning only
(default Heating and air-conditioning)
6. Setting type “b” parameters
b1) Blocking the possibility of time reprogramming by user
Forced time programming with relative blocking of
user modifications (OFF = function disabled). If activated, it
also disables the A3 menu and the PROG display.
Settings differentiated between winter
and summer mode.
Winter and summer settings: OFF - Pru (Program
set by user) - Pr0 - Pr1 - Pr2 - … - Pr40
(default OFF - OFF)
b2) Blocking or limiting FORCED operation
Exclusion or limitation of temporary forcing time
(OFF = unlimi ted; 0 = exclusion of forced mode operation).
Settings: OFF - 0 - 30 - 60 - 90 - 120 - 150 - 180 minutes
(default OFF)
If the forced operating mode is disabled, the timeout will
return to the main status previously set (AUTO, MAN, OFF).
b3) Blocking MANUAL operation:
Exclusion of manual operating mode.
Even with the block activated, it will still be possible to enter
in manual via the telephone actuator.
Settings: OFF - On
(default OFF)
If the manual operating mode is disabled, the main status
will automatically be set at
“automatic”; this is to avoid returning, by means of the
timeout, to manual once it were the main status of origin set
at that moment.
b4) Blocking or limiting operating temperature
Limiting or blocking the possibility of the user modifying the
“comfort” and “energy-saving” temperatures.
Forcing settings differentiated between winter and
summer mode.
With a selection other than OFF, it disables the A5 menu and
takes over control.
Winter setting: OFF - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 – 5
Summer setting: OFF - 0 - (-1) - (-2) - (-3) - (-4) - (-5)
(default OFF – OFF)
b5) Correction of thermometer error due to installation:
Setting an offset between measured temperature
and operating temperature indicated on the display. Settings
differentiated between winter and summer mode.
With a selection other than OFF, it disables the A6 menu and
takes over control.
°C settings: (-4) - (-3,5) - (-3) - (-2,5) - (- 2) - (-1,5) - (-1) –
0,0 - 1 - 1,5 - 2 - 2,5 - 3 - 3,5 - 4
°F settings: (-7,0) - (-6,0) - (-5,0) - (-4,0) - (-3,0) - (-2,0)
- (-1,0) - 0,0 - 1,0 - 2,0 - 3,0 - 4,0 - 5,0- 6,0 - 7,0
(default 0,0 – 0,0)
b6) Modification of system switch-on differential depending on
Setting of a temperature differential for switching
the relay, higher than standard (0.5°).
Settings differentiated between winter
and summer mode.
Winter and summer settings: OFF - 1 - 1.5 - 2 - 2.5
(default OFF – OFF)
Summary of Contents for CHRONOTHERMOSTAT
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