EM-GU User’s Manual
3. Operation and Display
Pump Functions
Range: 0~4 (Default: 0)
Option: 0: None (Soft starter standard functions)
1: Float Ball (IN1 on: start; IN1 off: stop)
2: Electrical Pressure Gauge (IN1 on: start; IN2 on: stop)
3: Level relay Supply
IN1 off and IN2 off: start
IN1 on and IN2 on: stop
4: Level relay Drain
IN1 off and IN2 off: stop
IN1 on and IN2 on: start
When F49 = 0, the IN3 function is fault output.
When F49 = 1 to 4, the IN3 function is running enable, it must be on to perform the above
Display Soft Version
Description: Displays software version information. This parameter is read only and cannot be modified.