Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide
Issue Number: 5
Drive access must be restricted to authorized personnel only. Safety regulations which apply at the
place of use must be complied with.
Fire protection
The drive enclosure is not classified as a fire enclosure. A separate fire enclosure must be provided.
For further information, refer to Chapter 3.2.5
Compliance with regulations
The installer is responsible for complying with all relevant regulations, such as national wiring
regulations, accident prevention regulations and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations.
Particular attention must be given to the cross-sectional areas of conductors, the selection of fuses
or other protection, and protective ground (earth) connections.
This guide contains instruction for achieving compliance with specific EMC standards.
Within the European Union, all machinery in which this product is used must comply with the
following directives:
2006/42/EC: Safety of machinery.
2014/30/EU: Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive.
Ensure the motor is installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Ensure the
motor shaft is not exposed.
Standard squirrel cage induction motors are designed for single speed operation. If it is intended to
use the capability of the drive to run a motor at speeds above its designed maximum, it is strongly
recommended that the manufacturer is consulted first.
Low speeds may cause the motor to overheat because the cooling fan becomes less effective. The
motor should be installed with a protection thermistor. If necessary, an electric forced vent fan should
be used.
The values of the motor parameters set in the drive affect the protection of the motor. The default
values in the drive should not be relied upon.
It is essential that the correct value is entered in Pr
Unidrive M200
motor rated current. This affects the thermal protection of the motor.
Mechanical brake control
The brake control functions are provided to allow well co-ordinated operation of an external brake
with the drive. While both hardware and software are designed to high standards of quality and
robustness, they are not intended for use as safety functions, i.e. where a fault or failure would result
in a risk of injury. In any application where the incorrect operation of the brake release mechanism
could result in injury, independent protection devices of proven integrity must also be incorporated.
Adjusting parameters
Some parameters have a profound effect on the operation of the drive. They must not be altered
without careful consideration of the impact on the controlled system. Measures must be taken to
prevent unwanted changes due to error or tampering.
Unidrive M frame7 to 10 Power Installation Guide issue5.book Page 9 Tuesday, May 24, 2016 11:52 AM