Continuous feature test
During normal operation, the detector tests itself continuously and indicates a fault if a
failure is found. This type of test complies with SIL-2 requirements.
The detector continuously tests:
Input voltage level
All internal regulator voltage level
Voltage level status of sensor and sensor circuitry for noise or disconnection in the
electronic circuitry
0-20 mA level output
Relays and heater operation
Processor watch dog
Oscillator frequency
Response to a fault indication
If a failure is found, the detector indicates it by:
Fault relay:
Opens in output configurations 1A, 2A, and 1R
Closes in output configurations 3A and 2R
0-20 mA: indicates fault (0 mA or 2 mA) in output configurations 1A, 2A, and 3A
LED - yellow flashes (4 Hz)
Correcting the fault
The fault indications remain until the detector's power is removed. The fault indications
return if the fault is still found when power is restored.
Built-in test (BIT)
The detector's built-in test (BIT) also checks the following:
Electronics circuitry
Window cleanliness
The detector can be set to perform the built-in test in the following modes:
Automatically and manually
Manually only
Reference Manual
August 2019