October 2020
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
MAN-10-04-100-0711-EN Rev. 0
General Safety Instructions
Section 1: General Safety Instructions
Explosion-Proof Version
The version of Keystone EPI2 suitable for installation in hazardous areas is designed and
manufactured according to EN 60079-0, EN 60079-1, EN IEC 60079-7, EN 60079-31 standards.
Different types of protection are available, depending on the requirements of the
installation site.
The driven valve or associated gear reducer will form part of a separate risk analysis according
to Directive 2014/34/EU and following the EN ISO 80079-36 and EN ISO 80079-37 norms.
Specific types of protection are printed on the label, as follows:
ATEX Ex de IIB T5 with enclosures in ‘explosionproof’ version and terminal board
enclosure in ‘increased safety’ version
FM rated as flameproof for Class I, Zone 1, Group IIB, T5; Class II, III, Div. 1,
Groups E, F and G, T4
NEMA 7 and NEMA 9
The above versions of Keystone EPI2 prevent the risk of explosion in the presence of gas or
ignitable dusts.
Keystone EPI2 actuators have IP66/68 protection degree in accordance with EN 60529.
Whenever Keystone EPI2 actuators must be installed in a HAZARDOUS AREA as defined by
the applicable rules, it is mandatory to check whether the actuator nameplates indicate their
suitability to a hazardous area, and the appropriate protection degree. Maintenance and repair
works must be carried out by qualified personnel and checked by responsible specialists.