user manual
In addition to the basic visualizations (unit status, operating mode, input and output water
temperatures) it is possible to read the values of all the temperature and pressure probes, the
thermostatic valve driver probes and the operating parameters.The alarms are displayed by an icon
and a flashing alarm code. The procedures for displaying and modifying parameters are described in
detail in the following paragraphs.
2.4 Key functions
heat pump mode
chiller mode
set point
up key
down key
Push and release
Show chiller set point SetC, heat pump set point SetH and sanitary set point SetS
Push once again
In chiller or heat pump if the Energy saving or the Dynamic setpoint are enabled
it shows the real setpoint Setr.
Push for 3 seconds
Set point modification
During the programming: push once
To enter parameter modification or confirm a value.
Push when an alarm is showed
To reset the alarm
Push once with probe label showed on the bottom display
(press up or down starting from default visualization)
To read probes values of circuit 1 or circuit 2
Push once
To read probes value
Pushing once during the programming
To change the group of parameters, to change the parameter, to change the
value of the parameter
Push for 1 second during the programming when the display
visualize Pr1 or Pr2 or Pr3
1 time shows the Pr2 programming level
2 times shows the Pr3 programming level