Instruction Manual
Multiport Flow Selector
January 2019
When the actuator LDM is placed in SETUP mode of operation it first displays the Field Diagnostics (Fd) menu item. The
second menu item Alarm History (AH) menu. The field diagnostics and alarm history may be viewed without entering
a passcode (See Field Diagnostics and Alarm History Display section).
On any setup menu, use up/down to change a parameter and back/next to accept the displayed parameter. All menus and all
parameters are wrap around, meaning they will advance from the highest or last value to the lowest or first value.
To view or change setup parameters of the actuator, Rotate the Selector Knob to the right or NEXT position to cycle
through the alarm history display A1 through A8 until P1 is displayed. Alarm history (A1-A8) may be skipped by
changing AH(1) to AH(0) and go directly to passcode menu. Passcode menu is displayed as two, 2-digit entries, P1 and
P2. The actuator is shipped from the factory with the passcode disabled, meaning that the passcode is 00 00. Until the
passcode is changed by the user, the passcode of 00 00 may be accepted by using the NEXT selector knob sequence to
accept the passcode and continue to the setup menus. You will now be able to display and/or edit setup data. If you
forget your configured passcode, factory trained technicians can reset the passcode back to 00
While in the SETUP mode the actuator will not turn on the motor control circuits and disables all control of discrete outputs until
exiting the Setup Mode.
Alarm History Display
Setup always enters the main menu at the Field Diagnostics (Fd) and the next menu item is Alarm History (AH). The
user may view the alarm history without having to enter a passcode. The AH menu will alternately display a value of 0
or 1. Use the Control Knob up or down to change the selection from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0. If display of the alarm history is
desired, then the value must be 1. When AH with a value of 1 is displayed, use the Selector Knob REMOTE (NEXT) to
advance through the alarms. If it is desirable to skip the alarm history and advance to the setup menus, use the control
knob to select a value of 0 and then the Selector Knob Remote (Next) to advance directly to the P1 passcode entry.
Alarms are displayed by a sequence number A1 through A8. The display alternates between the alarm sequence
number (A1-A8) and the recorded alarm. A1 is the newest alarm and A8 is the oldest alarm. Use the NEXT and BACK
selector positions to cycle through the alarms. Blanks are displayed for fewer than 8 alarms. The alarm history is
cleared by cycling power to the actuator. If it is desirable to only display alarm history and not go into setup, use the
LOCAL (BACK) selection repeatedly to back out of the alarm history and return to normal operating mode.
Setup Mode Display Sequence
The three (3) amber LED’s for the LOR section flash to indicate Setup Mode. When in setup mode, the user must enter
the REMOTE (NEXT) or LOCAL (BACK) within 120 seconds or the display will revert back to the normal display mode.
Setup data may be changed by using the Up and Down entries of the Control Knob. The Up and Down entries are
active only after a valid pass-code is entered and the Selector Switch is in the STOP position. The default pass-code is
P1 00 and P2 00. Once the correct passcode is entered and accepted at the actuator controls, the user will then be able
to advance thru the displays shown in the Main Menu table on the following page.
The table on the following page shows the sequence of the setup menus. It also shows the selections, units, and
defaults. Each time the REMOTE (NEXT) selector knob is selected, the display advances to the next menu item. Each