Instruction Manual
Multiport Flow Selector
January 2019
Communications Setup
If connected to the RDM port, set the computer Baud
Rate to 9600, Parity None and Stop Bits to 1. Set the
Slave Address to 99. The RDM port configuration of the
MPA is fixed at 9600,N,8,1 and may not be changed by
the user.
If connected to a Modbus local area network, the baud
rate and slave address configured for the actuator
must be known in order to setup the computer
communication port. Default configuration for the
MPA network port is 19,200 baud and default address
is 99.
Select the configured Com Port in Navigation Pane and
Right Click to Scan for Devices. Set address and Start
Scan. When device is detected stop scan and close the
window .
Figure 9.
Figure 10.
Figure 11.