E2 RX/BX/CX I&O Manual
Problems with Condenser
Condenser will not operate.
Verify that E2 is programmed with proper number
of fans.
1. Highlight the General tab (C1) in the Condenser
Setup screen.
2. Is the correct number of fans in the
Number of
Incorrect board and point set-
Confirm proper board and point settings:
Go to the Inputs tab (C3) in the Condenser Setup
screen to check PRES CRTL IN and DISCH TRIP
Fail-Safe wiring on 8RO is
Verify proper fail-safe switch positions on the 8RO
board. The fail-safe dip switches are labeled S2 on
the 8RO and S3 on the 8ROe and 8IO. Set the
rocker UP (ON) to close the relay and turn the out-
put ON during network failure. Set the switch
DOWN (OFF) to open the relay and turn the output
OFF during network failure.
Condenser will not split.
Enable the condenser to split.
Go to the General tab (C1) in the Condensers Setup
screen and set the Split Enable field to
Unsplit setpoint is set too low.
Unsplit setpoint value is compared with discharge
pressure value instead of temperature. Enter the
value in terms of discharge pressure.
Go to the Setpoints tab (C2) in the Condensers
Setup screen and check that the UNSPLIT STPT
field value has been entered as a pressure value.
Half of the fans are not run-
Check the split fan relay output:
1. Go to the Other Outs tab (C7) in the Condensers
Setup screen and check that SPLIT FAN has a
board and point assignment.
2. Verify Split is enabled: Go to General tab (C1) in
the Condensers Setup screen and set the Split
Enable field to
3. Verify output is ON.
Problems with Cases
Case will not go into hot gas or
cool gas defrost.
Check Group LLSV in Suction Group setup:
1. Go to the Outputs tab (C5) on the Suction
Groups Setup screen and check GROUP LLSV.
2. Verify that the case(s) is assigned to the correct
Case will not terminate out of
defrost mode.
1. Verify the termination type (Term Type) in the
Defrost tab (C4) in the Standard Circuits Setup
2. Check the defrost termination input location on
circuit input.
3. Go to the Inputs tab (C6) and check DEFROST