Anderson Greenwood
SerieS 9300 Pilot oPerated Safety relief ValVeS
InstallatIon and MaIntenance InstructIons
2.6.2 Dual chamber diaphragm replacement
(See Figure 3, detail A, B, C)
1. Secure auxiliary diaphragm bushing (240) into
soft jaw vise, and remove nut (530) and jam
nut (520B) by turning it counterclockwise.
2. remove washer (580), auxiliary plate (160B),
washer (590a), reinforcement diaphragm
(175), washer (270), and Ptfe washer (600).
3. inspect threads on bushing (240) and general
condition of metal washers (270, 580, 590B)
including sealing surface where Ptfe
washers (600) seat. Clean metal parts with
oil free solvent, and dry with lint free towel.
4. install Ptfe washer (600), washer (smooth
side up) (270), auxiliary diaphragm (radius
side down) (170), washer (smooth side down)
(590B), auxiliary plate (bevel side down) (160B),
washer (580), jam nut (520B), and tighten by
turning the jam nut (520B) clockwise.
2.7 Main valve nozzle replacement
1. remove nozzle retaining screws (110) and
gently tap nozzle (460) with soft face mallet.
2. inspect nozzle seating surface for nicks or
scratches. if they cannot be removed with a
crocus cloth or finer sandpaper, the nozzle
(460) must be replaced.
1. the contact surfaces must be clean, free from grease, and dry.
2. remove the protective strip on the adhesive tape.
3. lightly press in place as shown below.
UPPer CaSe(S) aNd toP of Body
A - A
Put tape just inside of bolt holes, overlapping ends at a bolt hole. Put tape on top case only.
Put tape on top surface of body. do not put on lower case of mating pair.
Place tape toward outer edge of each gasket ledge. Put overlaps on opposite sides.
Use ⅛” tape on 3” and 4” nozzles.
” tape on all cases and larger nozzles.
fiGUre 6
Ptfe tape gasket mounting instructions
When tightening jam nut be careful not to damage
on 2” and 3” single and dual chamber
valves with low pressure aluminum or low
pressure stainless steel internals, use
a reinforcement diaphragm (175B) between
the main diaphragm (170B) and lower
case (280B). the reinforcement diaphragm
(175B) is recognized by a small offset hole at
the center of the diaphragm. (See detail a)
3. if the upper and lower nozzle gaskets (630)
are to be replaced, install Ptfe gasketing.
(See figure 6, Section a-a, the nozzle part only)
4. reattach nozzle (460) and retaining
screws (110).