Anderson Greenwood
SerieS 9300 Pilot oPerated Safety relief ValVeS
InstallatIon and MaIntenance InstructIons
2.5 Main valve seat disassembly and
replacement (banded) (refer to figure 4,
detail d and figure 5, detail e)
1. to assist in seat plate disassembly, partially
thread the seat plate assembly into the fixture
which consists of a 6” long hexagon bar with
a ½” x 13 x 1” deep threaded hole in one end,
and a
” x 18 x 1” deep threaded hole in the
other end.
” hole is for valves sizes
2” through 6” and the ½” hole is for 8”
through 12”.
2. With the seat plate assembly threaded into
the fixture and secured in a vise, remove
the band clamp (125). then holding the
wrench flat on the seat hub (420) stationery
remove the seat plate jam nut (450).
3. remove the seat hub (420) from the fixture
and disassemble the remaining parts from
the seat plate assembly.
4. inspect seat plate (910) radius for damage.
Minor nicks and scratches may be removed
by polishing radius with 320 grit or finer
sand paper maintaining seat shape.
No lapping or machining of seat plate allowed.
2.6 diaphragm replacement
2.6.1 Single chamber diaphragm replacement
(See Figure 3, detail D)
1. Secure the main valve shaft (320) wrenching
surface in a soft jaw vise. Caution should be
taken when securing aluminum shaft (320)
to prevent destroying the part.
2. remove jam nut (520) by turning it
mark plates as top (vacuum) and
bottom (pressure) prior to disassembly.
remove the following parts in this order:
washer (580), vacuum plate (160),
washer (590), diaphragm (170), *slipper/
reinforcement diaphragm (950,960/175)
(see notes for configuration variances),
pressure plate (150), and Ptfe washer (600).
on single chamber valves with high
pressure stainless steel internals, an outer
(950) and inner (960) diaphragm slipper is
used to protect the diaphragm (170) from
wear. the outer slipper (950) is between
the diaphragm (170) and lower case (280).
the inner slipper (960) is between the
diaphragm (170) and the pressure plate (150).
on 2” and 3” single and dual chamber
valves with low pressure aluminum or low
pressure stainless steel internals, use a
reinforcement diaphragm (175) between
the main diaphragm (170) and lower case
(280). the reinforcement diaphragm (175)
is recognized by a small offset hole at
the center of the diaphragm.
Installing the reinforcement diaphragm (175)
in the wrong location will cause damage to
the diaphragm assembly.
4. inspect plates (150, 160) for cracks,
warpage. Clean all metal parts with oil free
solvent, and dry with lint free towel.
5. Proceed with this step only on disassembly of
main valve dual diaphragms. inspect lift rod
(250) straightness and ensure small diameter
tip is not damaged. also raise the lift rod (250)
up and check the surface for damage.
6. Proceed with this step only on disassembly
of main valve dual diaphragms. install 6” to
8” of braided stiff wire through the hole at
the top of the lift rod (250). this will aid in
reassembly of auxiliary diaphragm.
7. install new Ptfe washer (600), pressure
plate (150), *slipper/reinforcement
diaphragm (950,960/175) (radius side down)
(see notes for configuration variances),
diaphragm (170), flat washer (590), vacuum
plate (160), flat washer (580), and jam nut (520).
on single chamber valves with high
pressure stainless steel internals, an outer
(950) and inner (960) diaphragm slipper is
used to protect the diaphragm (170) from
wear. the outer slipper (950) is between
the diaphragm (170) and lower case (280).
the inner slipper (960) is between the
diaphragm (170) and the pressure plate (150).
on 2” and 3” single and dual chamber
valves with low pressure aluminum or low
pressure stainless steel internals, use a
reinforcement diaphragm (175) between
the main diaphragm (170) and lower case
(280). the reinforcement diaphragm (175)
is recognized by a small offset hole at
the center of the diaphragm.
Installing the reinforcement diaphragm (175)
in the wrong location will cause damage to
the diaphragm assembly.
8. tighten jam nut (520), wrench tight.
5. inspect threaded parts and sealing surfaces
and if damaged replace. otherwise, clean all
metal parts with oil free solvent and dry with
lint free towel.
6. the new seat film (610) is pre-molded.
to install, secure the wrenching flat of
the seat hub (420) into a vise and install
the protector plate (920), Ptfe seat film
(610) (radius side down), seat bushing (430),
spacer (640), seat plate (910) (radius side up),
and install the jam nut (450) HaNd tiGHt.
Tightening the jam nut (450) prior to stretching
the film (610) will cause ripples in the film.
(See Figure 5, Detail E)
7. remove the seat hub (420) from the vise
and install it into the fixture. then install
the seat retainer (140) (beveled side down)
onto the seat film (610), and then install
the clamp band (125) and tighten.
8. Using a heat gun, apply heat to the seat film
(610) in a circular motion approximately 2” to
3” above surface until all ripples and creases
are gone. this usually takes less than 1 minute.
Now tighten jam nut (450) wrench tight.
9. trim excess film (610) from back side of seat
plate (910) to complete reassembly process.