Document Part # 026-4703 Rev 8 10-JUN-2009
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Installation Instructions: Control Link ACC Anti-Condensate Controller System
technical bulletin
Step 4: Set the Network Baud Rate and MODBUS Parity
NOTE: If you are networking Control Link ACC only for purposes of sharing a dewpoint sensor, you do not need
to set a baud rate or parity. Set all dip switches or jumpers to the DOWN (OFF) position. This will allow the
Control Link ACC to share a dewpoint sensor as long as the network is physically present and terminated cor-
rectly. The dip switches or jumpers are only necessary for assigning a network ID for MODBUS applications.
In order for the Control Link ACC to communicate with each other on the MODBUS network, they must all be
set to communicate at the same baud rate and parity.
Switch/jumper 7 determines the baud rate at which the controllers communicate. When switch/jumper 7 is ON,
the Control Link ACC will operate at 9600 baud. If switch/jumper 7 is OFF (default), the Control Link ACC will
operate at 19200 baud. Switch/jumper 8 determines the MODBUS network parity. Some MODBUS-enabled site
controllers require even network parity; to enable even parity, set switch/jumper 8 to the ON position. For site
controllers that require no parity, set switch/jumper 8 to the OFF (default) position.
Figure 17 - Control Link ACC Network ID Dip Switch/Jumper Settings
Figure 18 - Control Link ACC Network Baud Rate/Parity Dip Switch/Jumper