12 • Emerson Programmable Touchscreen Thermostat I&O Manual
026-1739 Rev 0
to the thermostat. To change the value, press either the up or down arrow, and then
press the check icon to go to the next parameter. Press
to cancel and return to the
normal display without saving any changes.
RTU (Conventional Systems)
*HP_O (Heat-pump with O as reversing signal)
*HP_B (Heat-pump with B as reversing signal)
(1, 2, or 3)
Current Configuration
When the system is not in nominal configuration, for example, configured in IDLE,
then all the configurations are accessible through the menu as below:
When the system is already configured in RTU, HP_O or HP_B, only the IDLE and the
current configuration are accessible through the menu:
NOTE: The thermostat is always as a 2H/2C configuration system for both RTU and Heat
Pump. In the case the system has only 1 stage (1H/1C), this configuration is inclusive within
the 2-stages configuration. In this case, connect stage 1 terminals (Y1 and W1) and leave
stage 2 terminals floating.
Menu Option Number
System Configuration
Table 3-3
- Thermostat System Configuration
NOTE: O and B signals are both reversing valve control signals, but are logically
complementary (opposite).
Menu Option Number
System Configuration
Table 3-4
- Thermostat System Configuration
IMPORTANT! Prior to any change of system configuration, the unit must be set to IDLE
configuration first, and then to the final desired configuration.