Embrace™ Nest Operation Manual (0602-50001-002)
Page 31
Ensure that the newborn has a fresh diaper on.
Wrap the newborn in a light cotton cloth as shown below. In case of a newborn with an IV line
attached, thread the IV line through the cotton wrap as shown below.
Do not bundle up the newborn with several layers of the cotton wrap. Ensure that there is only a
thin layer of cloth between the newborn and the BabyWrap™ cloth in contact with the newborn’s
back. This will ensure adequate thermal contact between the newborn and the WarmPak™.
If the caregiver feels that additional insulation is needed, additional blankets can be placed over the
ventral surface (chest and stomach) of the newborn.
Setting up the BabyWrap™
After placing the heated WarmPak™ in the WarmPak™ compartment, place the BabyWrap™ on a
flat surface with the newborn compartment facing up.
Place the newborn with its head in the hood of the BabyWrap™.
Wrap the left flap on the newborn (as shown below) and then bring the right flap over it.
Pass the strap through the buckle and secure it on the Velcro strap. Repeat the process for all
the three straps. Tuck the tail flap towards the back. Ensure a snug yet comfortable fit for the
newborn by appropriately tightening or loosening the flaps and straps.
In case the newborn is smaller than the BabyWrap™ size, use the cushion provided to shore up
the legs of the newborn, to prevent it from slipping down when inside the BabyWrap™.
Ensure that straps are not so tight that they hamper the natural breathing mechanics of the