Fig. 8
Refer to the engine’s Use and Mainte-
nance handbook for starting.
Notes on how to use the Motorhoe
Once engine is running, place the tines
on the ground and, whilst firmly keeping
hold of the Motorhoe, insert the draw arm
into the soil. Pull the forward gear lever
on the handlebar to allow the tiller pe-
netrate the soil. To move the Motorhoe
forward, slightly lift the tiller with the han-
dlebars. The draw arm must always re-
main in the soil during work.
Light and average textured soil
working. Soil working (hoeing/breaking-
up). Soil tillage (weeding). Ploughing in
compost or fertilisers, etc.
The Motorhoe is not suita-
ble for working with soil covered by thi-
ck grass/lawns. It is recommended not
to use the Motorhoe in stony soils.
The tiller must begin to turn
only affer having operated the corre-
sponding controls. This is obtained by
adjusting the wires (Fig. 8 details 2) and
the control levers.
Furthermore, the lever that controls the
tilling drive must run the tiller only affer
having gone through half of its stroke.
Once the latter has reached stroke end
(working position) the load spring of the
belt-tightener (Fig. 8 detail 1) must len-
gthen approx. 6-8 mm. If to obtain the-
se conditions, the adjustments are not
sufficient (the adjuster has reached
bottom thread) then adjust the trapezoi-
dal belt by moving the engine along the
frame slots where it is fixed to.