Configuring and Using the EMI 2|6
EMI 2|6
On Macintosh systems, all of the EMI 2|6’s parameters are
accessed from one control panel, as shown. It can be opened
from within the audio settings section (or similar) of an ASIO
compatible host program. The control panel offers exactly the
same parameters as described for the combined Windows pan-
els, although there are a few naming conventions which are dif-
The SoundManager driver is supplied by the Mac OS, so the parame-
ters of the Control Panel discussed only affect the ASIO operation of
the EMI 2|6.
Low Bandwidth Mode, Stereo Only, 16 Bit
Using this control panel option, you can globally select a sam-
pling rate for the EMI 2|6 and activate Low bandwidth mode: ste-
reo 16 bit only.
On Windows systems, changing this option should only occur
when the EMI 2|6 is not currently in use. Quit all programs that
can use the EMI 2|6 before changing either of these settings.
On Macintosh systems, switching to Low Bandwidth use of the
EMI 2|6 is accessible via the various radio buttons. Select the