Quick start guide Eltako GFVS-Touch
4.10 Presets
4.10.1 License
The Eltako GFVS-Touch comes with an activated Eltako GFVS 3.0 license. If re-activation is required, a Eltako GFVS 3.0
license key is attached.
4.10.2 Data base
For data storage a PostgreSQL database is set up.
4.10.3 Network
The LAN interface is configured to operate in a network with DHCP.
4.11 GFVS update
With this menu item, the firmware of the Eltako GFVS-Touch or Eltako GFVS 3.0 software can be updated. The
update can be done via the Internet or via USB stick. The file for the update has to be on the USB stick subfolder
„/ hc-import/update / *. *“.
If the USB stick is not recognized, it can be mounted with the USB stick by clicking on the icon.
Figure 17: Software update