www.elspec-ltd.com | December 2014 | SMX-0609-0101
User Manual | EQ-ST | V15
protocol and communication statistics.
Group Status
"OK" if all the installed groups are OK, or a blinking "Error" if an error has been detected in any
or all groups. Select this item to display detailed description of the Group Status.
The number of New logged Events (unread). Select this option to display more details on the
events (see "
The number of steps currently connected. Select this option to display more information on
the calculation of the number of steps to connect (Figure 77). It displays the actual and
programmed value of the Power Factor (or kVAr in kVAr control mode), Voltage and Primary
Voltage. For each value it displays the number of steps to connect or disconnect for this value
control, and the total of steps to connect.
Figure 77: Control Logic Results
Use this function to connect or disconnect groups in Manual Mode. First press F2 to change the functions of
F4 and F5 to IN and OUT respectively. Hold down F2 while pressing either F4 (In) or F5 (Out) to connect or
disconnect groups.
Press IN (F2 + F4) to connect one step, or OUT (F2 + F5) to disconnect one step. Connection and
disconnection are accomplished in steps rather than by groups, and in a circular pattern (FIFO - First In First
Out), i.e. that group which was connected for the longest period of time will be the first one to be
disconnected, and vice versa. Therefore, in a system with 1:2:2 configuration and group 1 connected, press
OUT once and then IN twice to connect group 2 only.
Figure 78 shows an example of a capacitor group in/out sequence.