WCC Lite user manual
The firmware of the WCC Lite features a builtin API which is accessible via the web interface. As of
version 1.2.11, it does not implement any access restriction features apart from those provided by
the firewall functionality.
Individual API endpoints can be enabled or disabled via the web configuration interface at
Services>API. All endpoints are disabled by default.
Available API endpoints are shown in the table below.
Table 9: Available API functions
Version of the API
List of available points
Version of the sync service
Protocol hub configuration sync (name=”file”)*
Prints out the syslog
General system info
GSM modem information
List of configured devices
Device information (name=”device_alias”)**
List of tags on particular device (name=”device_alias”)**
Tag value (name=”device_alias”, name=”signal_alias”)**
List of configured tags
Firmware upgrade (name=”file”)*
* Endpoints accepting files
** Endpoints accepting field data
The API accepts data and files as POST requests encoded as ”multipart/formdata”.
1.4.0 | ELSETA | API