Technical Manual Humidity Controller EVP 3260
Page 6
Control via Dual Setpoint Controller
The EVP 3260 is a Dual Setpoint Controller for humidity with an upper set-
point for dehumidify and a lower setpoint for humidification, each with an own
Switching points:
Switching point Actual value ≥ Setpoint dehu Hysteresis dehumidify
Off point
Actual value < Setpoint dehumidify
Off point
Actual value > Setpoint humidification
Switching point Actual value ≤ Setpoint humidification - Hysteresis humidif.
The setpoint 'Setpoint dehumidify' is used for cooling resp. dehumidification,
the setpoint 'Setpoint humidification' is used for heating resp. humidification.
Setpoints and hysteresis can be set in the way, that the switch-on
points can never not be reached possibly.
To draw attention to this critical attitude, at this conditions an
assigment failure appears:
Setpoint dehu Hysteresis dehumidify > 100,0%
Setpoint humidification - Hysteresis humidification < 0,0%
Control via Analogue Output
To the analogue output the actuating variable of a PI controller with 'dead time
compensation' can be switched. The necessary parameters (setpoint, propor-
tional range, delay time, interval, step-width) are working independent from the
dual setpoint controller.
Alarm Limits
Absolute alarm limits 'alarm limit dehumidify' and 'alarm limits humidification'
are available. The hysteresis for them is fixed to 1,0% and can not be adjusted.
At dehumidify the hysteresis is below and at humidification above the alarm
Alarm dehumidify ON:
Actual value > Alarm limit dehumidify
Alarm dehumidify OFF:
Actual value ≤ Alarm limit dehumidify - 1,0%
(but min. 0,0%)
Alarm humidification OFF:
Actual value ≥ Alarm limit humidifi 1,0%
(but max. 100,0%)
Alarm humidification ON:
Actual value < Alarm limit humidification
The parameter 'Alarm delay dehumidify' is deactivated, if the alarm limit is set to
100,0%. The parameter 'Alarm delay humidification' is deactivated if the alarm
limit is set to 0,0%.
For both alarm setpoints an individual alarm delay is available. The alarms
have no influence on the control function.
Night Operation
For a night operation a second setpoint set for setpoints and alarm limits is
available. The hysteresis 'Hysteresis dehumidify' and 'Hysteresis humidifica-
tion' will be shared for day/night operation.
Current Failures
The following current failures are possible:
1. Sensor failure
2. Assignment failure
3. Hardware failure
4. Alarm dehumidify and alarm humidification
The failure messages of the failures after 1-3 appear after a fixed delay in a
second range.
The failure messages of the failures after 4 appear after the set alarm delay
time. All current failures can be read at the parameter 'Current Failure' and can
also retrieved via the data interface. If a failure appears, the display shows the
current failure and starts flashing.
Assignment Failure
In the following cases an assignment failure will be released:
Alarm limit dehumidify < Setpoint dehu Hysteresis dehumidify
▪ Alarm limit humidification > Setp. humidification - Hysteresis humidification
▪ Night
alarm limit dehumidify < Night setp. dehum. + Hysteresis dehumidify
▪ Night alarm limit humidification > Night setp. hum. - Hysteresis humidification
▪ Setpoint dehumidify ≤ Setpoint humidification
▪ Night setpoint dehumidify ≤ Night setpoint humidification
▪ Setpoint dehu Hysteresis dehumidify > 100,0%
▪ Setpoint humidification - Hysteresis humidification < 0,0%
▪ Non supported / faulty ressource assignments
Historic Failures
Always the last 15 failure messages will be stored in the controller. This historic
messages are accessible only via the interface.
Compound Functions
If the EVP is connected to a compound system, it can be assigned to com-
pound 1, 2, 3 or no compound.
If a compound assignment is set, the function 'control dehumidify' can be swit-
ched oFF by the VPR-System with a plant failure or for 'Low Power Optimiza-
tion' of the corresponding compound.
However, the 'setpoint humidification' can only be switched off with a set com-
pound assignment and with a plant failure of the compound.
Sensors and Sensor Corrections
Entered correction values will be added to the actual values and limited to the
valid range of values within 0,0%…100,0%.
If actual value + correction < 0,0% → 0,0%
If actual value + correction > 100,0% → 100,0%
Interface / Data Connection
All actual values and parameters of the unit can be read and adjusted via the
data interface. Independently from the display resolution % values will be trans-
mitted as 0.1% values.
Remote Display
At the EVP 3160, the connection of remote displays of the series TAA xx15 is
possible. This displays are able to display optionally the actual values '
' and '
The connection at the controller can be done exclusively via the RS-485 inter-
face at the terminals 20 and 21.
Multiple TAA xx15 can be connected via this interface, in this case each display
is able to display the same or different actual values.
At the EVP not settings are necessary. The selection of the actual values must
be done via the address switch at the remote display, address 1, 5 and 6 for the
parameters L01, L05 and L06.
The values on the remote display appear with the same resolution as at the
Real Time Clock
The built-in real time clock has a buffer for max. 10
days without mains voltage. Date and time can be
set by "
" (Mode Page).
By default, a GMT +01:00 is set ("Time Zone Offset" =
60 min.), which is standard for the Central European
Space. If the product is used in other countries, this
value can be changed.
Summer/Winter Switch - Time Zones
An automatic summer/winter switch "
= EU"
(Mode Page) considers the current EU-rules from
1996 (EU 96), but can also be switched off or set
as needed.
Variable Time Zones
The function for Variable Time Zones can be
activated by "
= tun" and is adaptable by the
parameters "
(SummerON Month)
(Fact.Setting March, 3rd)
The month of the beginning of the summertime
(SummerON Day)
...(Fact.Setting. 0, sunday)
The weekday of the beginning of the summert.
(SummerON x-Day)
...(Fact.S. 5, last sunday)
The x-th with "
SummerON Day
" preset day of ..
the month
(SummerON Hour)
..... (Fact.Set. 2, 2 o'clock)
The hour of the beginning of the summertime
(SummerOFF Month)
(Fact.Set. October, 10th.)
The month of the end of the summertime
(SummerOFF Day)
...(Fact.Setting 0, sunday)
The weekday of the end of the summertime
(SummerOFF x-Day) ..
(Fact.S. 5, last sunday)
The x-th with "
SommerOFF Day
" preset day of
the month
(SummerOFF Hour)
.. (Fact. Set. 3, 3 o'clock)
The hour of the end of the summertime
The shift to the summer resp. winter time is set by
the time setting which is active at this time