105U-G Wireless Gateway
User Manual
Page 55
© September 2004
Entering a Block Mapping
Select the “source” 105G on the left hand menu - select “Block Mappings” and then “New
Block Mapping” from the right-hand display. The Block Mapping Configuration display will
Select the “Command Type” from the pop-down window in the centre of the display. The
red arrow will confirm the direction of the block transfer. Now select the destination module
- only the 105G modules already configured will be shown. If you need to use repeaters in
the radio link, enter the repeater addresses, starting with the repeater closest to the source
Under “Source Gateway”, enter the I/O Register and I/O Count. The I/O Register is the first
register in the block and the I/O Count is the number of registers - in the above example, the
block of registers will be 110 – 124 (15 registers starting at I/O Reg 110).
If you are entering a Write mapping, then the values in this block will be sent to another
105G. If it is a Read mapping, then values from another 105G will be sent to this block.
Under “Destination Gateway”, enter the I/O Register - this is the first register in the block.
You do not need to enter the block size as this will always be the same as the block size in the
source 105G. In the above example, the destination block will be I/O registers 32 – 46 (15
registers starting at register 32). So, in the above example, a block of 15 x 16-bit values will
be written from I/O Reg 110 – 124 in 105G#1 to I/O Reg 32 – 46 in 105G#2.
Each mapping entered is allocated a status register - the register number appears on the right
hand of the Block Mapping display. These registers store relevant status information about
the block mapping - the structure of these Block Mapping status registers is shown in
Appendix 1.