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• Alarm 1/2 Output.................. Set whether to output an alarm when an alarm signal is
input to alarm input 1 or 2.
• Motion Detection Alarm Out.....Set whether to give alarm output when a motion is detected.
(10) E-mail Setup
Make settings relating to e-mail.
• E-mail ................................... Designate the address to which e-mail will be transmitted
(with up to 64 characters).
• E-mail From.......................... Designate the e-mail address of the Camera (with up to 64
• E-mail CC1 to CC3............... Designate an address to which e-mail will be transmitted at
the same time when it is sent to the e-mail address set at
To (with up to 64 characters).
• E-mail Act............................. Select what to be sent when transmitting e-mail.
Text Only ........................... Only a text will be sent when e-mail is transmitted.
Picture Only ....................... Only an image will be sent when e-mail is transmitted.
Both.................................... Both a text and an image will be sent when e-mail is
• SMTP.................................... Designate the SMTP server to be used (with up to 32
• POP ....................................... Designate the POP server to be used (with up to 32
• User ID ................................. Set a login ID for logging in to the SMTP server (with up
to 16 characters).
• User PW................................ Set a password for logging in to the SMTP server (with up
to 16 characters).