Remote configuration of unit cost (cost per KWh) and the slab wise cost
Remote Configuration of change in Threshold, Negative balance, Tariff in the secure mode
Initiate the message when balance reaches the 20% or 15% of the threshold value
Information like profiling, recharge history can be available through smart mobile applications
Avoids Remote display
RS485 with Aggregator
Cost effective solution
Aggregator collects information and transfer data through Ethernet/Wifi/USB/GPRS to the
ELNet billing software for profiling
Aggregator-AG 1000
Aggregator AG1000 is a web based high end data concentrator and All-In-One multi protocol
communication interfacing unit that supports the Modbus protocol and has different types of
communication channels. Introduction of the Aggregator allows for flexibility to cater to wired
or wireless environments with built in storage, providing the end user with a robust solution of
Energy Management. One of the major advantages of AG1000 is the data storage capacity of
upto 64GB which can be transferred to a remote server at pre-defined time intervals that
allows for built in data redundancy. Data for 64 devices recording 62 parameters each at 1 min
intervals can be stored for up to 5 years. The same data can be directly viewed and can also can