How short cuts work
Short cuts are available on the BURGLAR ALARM section in the HOMEPAGE.
Short cut buttons can be black to indicate that the command is enabled, or grey, to indicate
that the command is disabled.
To arm the alarm system, just press the TOTAL ARM button. No user code is required.
With the short cut buttons, all the users can arm the partitions associated
with the button, even if they are not authorised to do so. This means that, under certain
conditions, a user could arm partitions he will not be able to disarm.
If the TOTAL DISARM key is pressed, a pop-up appears where a valid 6-digit code must be
inserted (Master or User). Insert the code and press the ACCESS button. The pop-up
button for inserting the code works like the
The partitions disarmed are only those assigned to the user who inserted the code.
For more information about short cuts (like how to enable, disable, create, modify, and
delete them) see Burglar alarm section in