Preventive Maintenance
The complete monitor and control system should be inspected during each apparatus check.
Careful inspection for damage to the monitor, valve or nozzle is especially important after use of
monitor in emergency operations.
• Operate all possible functions to ensure that each works normally
• Flow water to check the nozzle pattern
• If the pattern is disrupted, clear the debris
• If the obstruction still remains, remove the nozzle and check for debris lodged between the
nozzle stem and body
• During nozzle flow test, inspect monitor swivel joints and water valve for leaks
• Inspect all exposed wiring for signs of damage
Grease fittings are provided for the up-down and left-right rotation joints, routine
greasing should be performed to expel water & other contaminants that can get into the
rotation joints. If the monitor is exposed to a high level of radiant heat for a prolonged period,
it may be possible for the factory grease to thin and run out of the rotation joints. In such an
event, fresh grease should be applied. Use Mobilux EP2 or equivalent. Start at one end of
travel range and apply grease through the fitting of each joint until fresh grease comes out the
joint. Repeat every 30 degrees throughout the full range of travel on each rotation joint. Wipe
off any expelled grease when done.
Caution: DO NOT use high pressure spray to clean the EXM2 System. Using high
pressure spray can damage seals and lead to serious damage of electrical components.