-M1XEP Installation Manual
Page 10
5. Central Station Setup (optional)
The M1XEP supports Alarm over Internet Monitoring to Central Stations that have an Osborne-Hoffman OH2000E
receiver using the Contact ID format.
Central Station Internet Monitoring is only supported by M1XEPs with firmware
version 1.2.0.
Internet monitoring requires setup of the M1XEP and a corresponding telephone account in the Control. Telephone
account # 1 corresponds with CS1 in the M1XEP setup. Telephone account # 2 corresponds with CS2, etc.
1. Create a new telephone account in
RP. To do this, right click on the "Telephones" icon on the left side of the
screen. Choose "New Telephone". Enter the number of telephone accounts to create and the first (starting)
telephone account ID and click OK.
On the telephone account screen, enter a name and set the reporting format to 6 = Ethernet M1XEP. Dialing
attempts should be set to 1 to enable reporting.
In the "Report the following to this number" box, check all the events that should be reported to the Central
Station through the M1XEP.
Place a checkmark in the checkbox beside each area that will make reports to this Central Station.