Q: I feel a tightening in my butt/anus. Is this normal?
A: Some tightening in the butt/anus is normal. More important is that you are feeling muscle contraction
around the urethra. If not, shift the GelPad forward.
Q: Does ELITONE stimulate the clitoris?
A: No. The GelPad is not designed to contact the clitoris and should not provide clitoral stimulation.
Q: What is the two second of pulsing I feel at the end of each 6 seconds of stimulation?
A: That part of the stimulation is intended to relax the bladder and may treat urge incontinence symptoms.
Q: How is this different from a general use TENS or electrical stimulation device?
A: The ELITONE GelPad is specifically designed to allow easy and accurate placement that targets the pelvic
floor muscles through a single electrode. Also, the Controller outputs a “modulated” stimulation that
allows stimulation to comfortably pass through the skin and effectively contract the pelvic floor muscles.
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