Welcome to the World of e.bike cycling.
Firstly may we congratulate
you on purchasing your new
electric power assisted e.bike.
Please take time to read your
manual. We have tried towrite
it in a way that is simple and
easy to follow, whilst
explaining how your bike
works and how it is maintained.
At any point if you feel you
need help we have a tehnical
helpline for support.
Please call our
Technical help line:
(weekdays 9am-5pm)
(standard call rate charge applies)
Simply explained this is how your e.life bike basicallyworks.
Press the button under the battery to ON.
Switch the power on by pressing the top left button on your controller on
the handlebars.
As you begin to pedal a sensor will read the level of effort needed to
turn the wheels of your bike.
After one complete turn of the pedal the electric motor kicks in making
pedaling much easier.
There are 4 setting on your controller on the handlebar, allowing you toset
the level of assistance you require.
For example: Riding up a hill you’ll probably use ‘High’, mode.
Change the level of assistance you need at any time and as often as you wish.
The motor works to assist pedaling, stop pedaling and the motor stops too.
Applying the brakes cuts the motor
Youcan also choose to switch the assist OFF and ON on the controller at any
point in your journey. This helps to save battery power when its not needed.
The more you use the assist, the more power it uses, each rider is different so figures canvary
considerably with different rider weight and the terrain you ride. Generally with normal use, you
should be able to obtain around 20 miles, before you need to re-charge yourbattery.
We Recommend
that you get used to your new e.life bike and the level of assist you place on
it, you’ll soon be able to work out how long a journey you can make and safely return under
assist. You can of course ride as you would a normal bike if the charge runs out.