Configuration and Functions
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Mode reference
The mode for referencing is defined in this parameter.
Mode 1 = Calibration through reference parameter
Mode 2 = Calibration through demand value
Mode 3 = Reference run positive with index impuls
Mode 4 = Reference run negative with index impuls
Mode 5 = Reference run positive to input “reference point”
Mode 6 = Reference run negative to input “reference point”
Backlash compensation
The different types of backlash compensation (loop) are defined in this parameter.
No spindle compensation
Negative spindle compensation
Positive spindle compensation
With backlash by positioning in negative direction
With backlash by positioning in positive direction
Software-end position
Software-end positions can be activated or deactivated in this parameter.
All end positions active
End position min deactivated
End position max deactivated
All end positions deactivated
Hardware-end position
Hardware-end positions can be activated or deactivated in this parameter.
All end positions active
End position min (defined input) deactivated
End position max (defined input) deactivated
All end positions deactivated
Retract function
The type of descent is defined in this parameter.
Mode 1 = Descent/retract to actual value + adjusted value*
Mode 2 = Descent/retract to adjusted value*
Mode 3 = Descent/retract positive to actual value for the adjusted time period**
Mode 4 = Descent/retract to actual value + adjusted value* without return
Mode 5 = Descent/retract to adjusted value* without return
Mode 6 = Descent/retract positive to actual value for the adjusted time period** without return
Mode 7 = Descent/retract to actual value – adjusted value*
Mode 8 = Descent/retract negative to actual value for the adjusted time period**
Mode 9 = Descent/retract to actual value – adjusted value* without return
Mode 10 = Descent/retract negative to actual value fort he adjusted time period** without return
see parameter descent/retract distance
see parameter time descent
Relative error compensation
If activated the controller compensates for errors that may add up doing a lot of drives.
not active