2.3 Setting
Datum can be set in a variety of ways. The method is selected in Register R8/3
R8 = xx0xxx
Datum to R7
Closing input St 3 / 4 transfers the value set in R7
R8 = xx1xxx
Setting to Preset
Closing input St 3 / 4 transfers the Target display
value into Actual Value Display
R8 = xx2xxx
Automatic Datum setting - direction positive
R8 = xx3xxx
Automatic Datum setting - direction negative
R8 = xx4xxx
Datum with keypad alone
The value of R7 is transferred to Actual Display by
accessing R7, typing in value and then pressing E.
Operation of “Go to Datum”
After “power on”, initiating “Start” or “Datum” will cause the Axis to move in the direction
set in R8/3. The output “Going to datum” St5/7 is active.
When the Axis activates the respective end limit switch, it will stop for a time as set in
R10. It will then move slowly in the opposite direction. When it crosses off the limit
switch, the Encoder marker input St1/8 is enabled. When the next marker pulse is
detected, the Axis stops and value of R7 is loaded into actual window.
The going to datum output is now turned off.
The speeds for going to Datum are set as follows ;-
1. Analogue control
First phase (from start to hitting end limit)
Speed set in R67 (rpm)
Second phase (from reversal to marker pulse)
Speed set in R68 (rpm)
2. Switched speed control
First phase (from start to hitting end limit)
Speed set in R69
For Creep speed R69 = xxxxx0
For Slow speed R69 = xxxxx1
For Fast speed R69 = xxxxx2
Second phase (from reversal to marker pulse)
Speed is always equal
2.4 Encoder
If, after positioning is activated, no Encoder pulses are received after a time set in R19
(0.1 to 9.9 sec), positioning will be aborted and fault 01 will be displayed.
Setting R19 to 0.0 sec, disables this feature.