Page 6
Manual operating of flash lamps FX PRO serie
Side revolving clamp knob
When accessories are heavy there
is need to lock, and then twist the
knob right (clockwise). If the lamp is
to be bent up or down, there’s need
to catch the handle with left hand and
counterclockwise with right hand
slightly. Rotate clockwise again and
desired position is fixed.
Display for values of flash energy and level of modelling light
It shows relative energy values:
for lamp FX 500 PRO from 1.0 to 2.0
for lamp FX 1200 PRO from 2.0 to 7.0
There are relative power values. When both lamps (regardless of the type*
and its power)
have the same value displayed, energy are also the same.
Status of the readiness is indicated on display too. When the lamp is not ready to use (is
charging or discharging) set value on display blinks until loading process is complete. When
the lamp is ready display shines constantly. Display functioning like this is regardless of
acoustic signalling and occurs in any situation.
When USER mode is activated, display shows relative values of energy of modelling light:
for lamp FX 500 PRO from 10 to 60
for lamp FX 1200 PRO from 20 to 70
Digital potentiometer in other words. It is used for energy and level of modelling light
to be set. Construction of energy control knob is based on potentiometer with unlimited
revolution angle. When it rotates, displayed values are changing instantly. Energy value is
shown with 1/10 f stop accuracy.
In order to increase the energy twist the knob right (clockwise), to decrease, twist left
(counterclockwise). As a result of changing energy, lamp has to charge up itself, or (if
decreased) dump excess of energy gathered inside capacitors. Display is pulsating when it is
being processed. Display shines continuously when it is finished and lamp is ready to flash.
Applied for lamps produced by Elfo
serie: Quant, Quant Pro, AX, FX, FX PRO, Miqro Pro,
Miqro Pro B, Octalight.