Rev. 0
Rev. 0
A Note to Wheelchair Assistants
When assistance to the wheelchair user is required, remember to use good body mechanics. Keep
your back straight and bend your knees whenever tilting the wheelchair or traversing curbs, or other
Be aware of any removable (detachable) parts. These must NEVER be used for hand-held or lifting
supports, as they may be inadvertently released, resulting in possible injury to the user and/or assistant(s).
When learning a new assistance technique, have an experienced assistant help before attempting it
It is recommended that two (2) assistants be used for this
procedure. The fi rst assistant should stand on the sidewalk and
turn the wheelchair so that the rear wheels are against the
curb. The second assistant should be positioned at the front of
the wheelchair lifting upward on a non-removable (non-
detachable) part of the wheelchair frame.
The wheelchair should be tilted back to the balance point
and, in one continuous downward movement, the rear wheels
should be pulled up and over the curb. DO NOT return the
front casters to the ground until the wheelchair has been
pulled backward far enough for the front casters to clear the
edge of the curb. See Figure 3.1 for proper positioning.
— Do not attempt to lift a wheelchair by lifting on any removable (detachable) parts. Lifting by
means of any removable(detachable) parts of a wheelchair may result in injury to the user or damage
to the wheelchair.
Extreme caution is advised when it is necessary to move an occupied wheelchair up or down the
stairs. PDG recommends using two(2) assistants and making thorough preparations. Make sure to use
ONLY secure, non-detachable parts for hand-held supports.
Follow this procedure for moving the wheelchair between
fl oors when an elevator is NOT available. See Figure 4.1.
1 After the wheelchair has been tilted back to the balance
point, one assistant (in the rear) backs the wheelchair up
against the fi rst step, while securely grasping a non-
removable (non-detachable) part of the wheelchair for
2 The second assistant, with a fi rm hold on a non-detachable
part of the framework, lifts the wheelchair up and over the
stair and steadies the wheelchair as the fi rst assistant places
one (1) foot on the next stair and repeats STEP 1.
3 The wheelchair should not be lowered until the last stair
has been negotiated and the wheelchair has been rolled
away from the stairway.
Figure 3.1
Assistant positioning for climbing curbs.
Figure 4.1
Assistant positioning for climbing stairs.
The Elevation is not designed for transport in a vehicle while occupied.
When transporting the chair ensure that the wheelchair is secured to
prevent any movement which may result in injury. If you own an
Elevation Full Feature, then to reduce the risk of accidental seat height
movement during transport or storage, ensure that the seat is fully
lowered and ensure that the release levers have their safety latches fi rmly
placed in the “locked” position. (See Figure 19.21)
Real-time seat height: Operating Instructions
The gas springs on your Elevation wheelchair has a real-time seat height
adjustment that is unique in the wheelchair manufacturing industry. In
addition to performing all the functions of a conventional wheelchair, the
Elevation enables the user to make quick adjustments of the wheelchair
seat height to suit the needs of his/her busy day.
During an episode of spasticity, cramps or any other situation that
distracts the user’s attention or causes instability or discomfort, it is
recommended that the user not raise seat height until the episode
subsides. Consult your physician to make sure you do not suff er from any
conditions (e.g. strong contractions, autonomic dysrefl exia, osteoporosis,
spasticity, or compromised hand function) which make operation of and/or sitting at higher seat
elevations potentially harmful.
The seat height should only be adjusted on a fi rm, level surface to
avoid any potential risk of injury (tipping over).
To raise seat
1 Be sure the chair is on a solid level surface and secure it using
the wheel locks.
2 Squeeze the lever on the right side and with your left hand push
up on the main frame or rear wheel to raise the seat.
3 Release the lever at the desired height. (See Figure 19.22 for
location of seat height adjustment lever.)
To lower seat
1 Squeeze the right lever and the seat will slowly lower.
2 Grab the rear wheel to assist bringing the seat down.
3 Release the lever to lock the seat at the desired height.
— Adjustment of Elevation to a higher seat position may result
in changes in your body that you may not be unaccustomed to.
Consult your doctor or physical therapist prior to using Elevation.
— Use caution when adjusting the seat height; ensure that
clothing and body parts are clear of any moving parts of the
wheelchair to protect yourself and accompanying persons from
possible injury.
— Raise and lower seat slowly to avoid any potential risk of tipping and resultant injury. Please
consult your Elevation Dealer or other authorized representative for detailed instructions on raising
seat height.
Figure 19.21
Release lever safety latches.
Figure 19.22
Seat height adjustment lever.