esca User’s Manual v1.2
The EDR software creates a new folder in the location chosen by the user with the same
name of the saving files. In this new folder the EDR software creates some files:
An header .txt file containing some ESCA setup information (Range, Bandwidth,
The saved data files.
The EDR software create a new data file every
minutes of acquisition to limit the
maximum file dimensions.
is set in the preferences menu. This feature is not available
when saving in .abf data format.
The proprietary .dat files can be handily read by Matlab® with the included function in
file located in the installation directory (usually C:\\Program Files
(x86)\Elements Data Reader).
Data samples are stored in standard 32 bit single precision format, little endian.
The ESCAread Matlab® function will ask you the location of the saved data files and the
data bandwidth.
The function returns in three vectors the data, Vc and time values.
To load saved data, just type in the Matlab® command windows:
[Data, Vc, Time] = ESCAread();
The data are in
units if the selected range is 200 pA and in
units if it is 20 nA.
Here is the ESCAread Matlab® function:
function [ data, vc, time ] = ESCAread( )
% edr_read
% Function to read data saved in binary format from the EDR software
% returns:
% data - An array of data, one channel in every column;
% vc - A vector reprensenting the command voltage Vc;
% time - The time vector;
% select data file
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*000.dat');
% check for valid data file name
if length(filename) < 9
display('Error: invalid file name');
if ~strcmp(filename(end-7:end), '_000.dat')
display('Error: invalid file name');