controls the step length of the pattern. The leftmost number displays the number of steps
in the pattern. The total length, displayed by the second number, determines the maximum number of
steps available in the pattern. This setting can be either 16, 32, 48 or 64 steps. If you use 17 steps or
more in a pattern, the
key is (while in GRID RECORDING mode) used to toggle between the
different pattern pages.
controls the time signature of the pattern. It offers seven possible settings, 1/8X, 1/4X, 1/2X,
3/4X, 1X, 3/2X and 2X. A setting of 1/8X plays back the pattern at one-eighth of the set tempo. 3/4X
plays the pattern back at three-quarters of the tempo; 3/2X plays back the pattern twice as fast as
the 3/4X setting. 2X makes the pattern play at twice the BPM.
When you extend the length of a pattern, its trigs copies automatically over to the new steps. If a pattern
consists of for example two pages and the pattern length is increased to four pages, the two additional
pattern pages are then copies of the first two pattern pages.
Press the
key to change the total length of the pattern quickly. Press the
keys to change
the number of steps of the pattern quickly.
A 2X time signature setting is useful for increasing the base resolution of the step sequencer to 32nd
notes. A 3/4X setting is useful when Digitone is playing alongside other instruments set to the same
BPM, and you want Digitone to play triplets.
In this mode, you can assign individual lengths the tracks of the pattern. Press
[FUNC] + [YES]
to switch
between the two scale modes. In LENGTH PER TRACK mode, two columns exist, TRACK and PATTERN.
The TRACK column sets the step length of the track. It works just like setting the pattern length in
LENGTH PER PATTERN mode. The settings only affects the active track. Press the
keys to select
the track whose scale settings you wish to edit.
The PATTERN column sets the master length, the master change length and the general time signature
of the pattern.
controls the number of steps the pattern plays before all tracks restart. An INF setting makes
the tracks of the pattern loop infinitely, without ever being restarted. Note that this setting also affects
for how long the active pattern plays before a chained pattern starts playing. The
can override this.
controls for how long the active pattern plays before a cued or chained pattern begins to play.
This setting is important when, for example, you set
to INF. If you do not make any
setting, the pattern plays infinitely, and the next pattern is thus not cued. However, if
, for
instance, is set to 64, the pattern behaves like a pattern consisting of 64 steps regarding cueing and
sets the general time signature of the pattern.
Parameter locks make it possible to set every trig to have its unique parameter values. The note trigs of
a synth track can, for example, have different pitch, amp or filter settings. It is possible to parameter lock
the parameters found on the PARAMETER pages (SYN1, SYN2, FLTR, AMP, and LFO), and you can apply
parameter locks to all types of tracks. For a complete overview of all parameters on the PARAMETER
pages, please see “11. SYNTH TRACK PARAMETERS” on page 39, and “12. MIDI TRACK PARAME-
TERS” on page 49.
To apply parameter locks in GRID RECORDING mode, press
to add a lock trig, and
then press and hold the
key of a trig (note trig or a lock trig). Use the
knobs to
adjust the parameters you want to lock. The graphics become inverted for the locked parameter, and