MIDI program change messages 0–95 selects pattern 1–96 (A01–F16) on the Model:Cycles. Additional-
ly, MIDI CC messages can be sent to control various aspects of the Model:Cycles. For more information,
please see “APPENDIX A: MIDI SPECIFICATIONS” on page 51.
In CHROMATIC mode, you can play the preset of the active track chromatically. The CHROMATIC mode is
the Model:Cycles default mode.
1. Make sure you are not in GRID RECORDING or LIVE RECORDING mode. For more information, please see
“9.3.2 GRID RECORDING MODE” on page 25 and “9.3.3 LIVE RECORDING MODE” on page 25.
2. Press
pads to select the track you want to play chromatically.
3. Press the
keys to play the preset chromatically with a varying pitch. The range from
[TRIG 1]
[TRIG 16]
key is 16 semi-tones. The
[TRIG 9]
key trigs the presets’s root note (If
is set to 0, see
4. You can also transpose the note range that the
keys cover. Press
to open the
TRACK SETUP menu and use the
knob to change the
settings. The actual transpose
range is -24–24 semi-tones.
Notes trigged chromatically can be recorded by the sequencer in LIVE RECORDING mode. For more infor-
mation, please see “9.3.3 LIVE RECORDING MODE” on page 25.
You can also use an external keyboard or controller to play the active tracks preset chromati-
cally. Connect the keyboard to the Model:Cycles and configure the external keyboard and the
Model:Cycles MIDI Auto Channel (SETTINGS > MIDI > CHANNELS) to the same MIDI channel.
Then play the keys on the external keyboard to play the preset chromatically. You can play the
preset chromatically from an external source even when you are not in CHROMATIC mode.