Page 2 of 20 M6627 Issue 7.0
Please take your time to read this Instruction book in order to understand the safe and
correct use of your new Electrothermal product.
It is recommended the Responsible Body for use of this equipment reads this Instruction
book and ensures the user(s) are suitably trained in its operation.
Section 1.
Page 3
Section 2.
Symbols and using this Instruction book.
Page 4
Section 3.
Safety Information.
Page 5
Section 4.
Unpack and Contents.
Page 7
Section 5.
Page 8
Section 6.
Environmental protection.
Page 9
Section 7.
Production Operation.
Page 10
Section 8.
Technical Specifications.
Page 11
Section 9.
Page 12
Section 10.
Parts and Accessories.
Page 15
Section 11.
Customer Support.
Page 17
Section 12.
Page 18
Section 13.
EC Declaration of Conformity
Page 20
Appendix ‘A’
Decontamination certificate
Page 16
The copyright of this instruction book is the property of Electrothermal. This instruction book is supplied by
Electrothermal on the express understanding that it is to be used solely for the purpose for which it is supplied. It may
not be copied, used or disclosed to others in whole or part for any purpose except as authorised in writing by
Electrothermal. Electrothermal reserve the right to alter, change or modify this document with out prior notification.
In the interest of continued development Electrothermal
reserve the right to alter or modify the design
and /or assembly process of their products without prior notification.
This product is manufactured in Great Britian by Electrothermal. Part of the Bibby Scientific Group of
Electrothermal House.
Unit12A, Purdeys Way.
Purdeys Industrial Estate.
Essex. SS4 1ND
Great Britain.
Tel +44(0)1702 303350
Fax+44(0)1702 468731
[email protected]