. The
O2 sensor ground, pin G32 (tan wire) must also connect to wideband controller’s
*Note: Some wideband control units have a sensor ground and a ground for the heater. Other units have
only one ground. You should connect the sensor ground to G32. If there is only one ground or the
controller manufacturer recommends grounding the unit directly to the battery, follow the manufacturer’s
installation instructions.
To select the wideband input for a calibration file, click the “EGO/Wideband Air/Fuel Ratio Table” button
from the Calibration Screen. (Note: this should be performed in No Connection Mode, the bin file should
then be saved and downloaded to the
). Then click “Calibrate EGO Sensor”. Click “Load
WIDEBAND EGO Sensor Table, this effectively performs two operations. The first is it configures the
to use the analog voltage on pin G33 as the EGO voltage. The second is that it loads the default
wideband sensor values. Since there are so many different controllers, the default values will probably not
exactly match the data provided by your controller’s manufacturer. Therefore, it is essential that you use
the manufacturer’s data to adjust the voltages and AFR’s in the boxes provided. Lastly, return to the
Calibration Screen, save your bin file, and download it to the
TECgt. You are now ready to use the
wideband EGO input.
FAQ’s and Troubleshooting Tips:
“How do I know the
is using the wideband sensor?”
There are several indications that you are using the wideband option for your EGO input. The label for
EGO voltage on the digital monitor screen (the monitor screen at the bottom of the window) will change
from “EGO Sensor” to “Wideband Sensor”. On the analog monitor screen, the label under the AFR bar
will change from “EGO Sensor” to “Wideband Sensor”.
AFR changes, but it doesn’t match my controller’s display unit.”
The analog voltage from the wideband controller can be read on the analog monitor screen in the box
labeled “WBS”. The
uses this voltage, and the corresponding values you entered in the calibration
to determine the AFR. For example, if the manufacturer states 2 volts is an AFR of 12.6, and the
WBS is displaying 2 volts but the
AFR reads 13.6, then you entered the calibration values
incorrectly. Repeat the procedure detailed above to correct the calibration file. If the
is displaying
the AFR you would expect for the corresponding voltage, but your controller display unit does not match
accordingly, then you should contact the wideband controller’s manufacturer with this discrepancy.
“My EGO seems to be correcting backwards – taking out fuel when lean and adding fuel when rich.”
Return to the EGO Calibration menu and verify that the wideband sensor has been selected. Also verify
that you are using the wideband option by looking for the changes in the labels as described in Tip #1.
Save your bin file and download it again to the
. Turn the key off, and then back on.
“My AFR does not change – ever.”
In the EGO calibration menu verify that your Minimum EGO/Wideband Voltage Before Sensor is Disabled
is 0 volts, and the Maximum EGO/Wideband Voltage Before Sensor is Disabled is 5 volts. If they are not,
TECgt Manual Version 2.0
- Page 95 -
©2008 Electromotive, Inc.