K.1. Valet Mode Rev Limiter
The Valet Mode rev Limiter is engaged when the Valet Switch is turned on. See
Section G.7.5
details on wiring the valet switch. The Valet Mode Rev Limiter is activated by either RPM or Vehicle
Speed. When the RPM or speed threshold is crossed, the Valet Mode Rev Limiter will be engaged.
Unlike the Primary and Secondary rev Limiters, the Valet Mode Rev Limiter only provides a fuel
cut. The timing retard features will not be activated.
The Valet Mode Rev Limiter can also be used as a staging rev limiter in drag racing applications.
K.2. Secondary Rev Limiter :
The Secondary Rev Limiter is activated when the MAT line (White 20awg, Pin G21) is connected to
ground. When activated, it will engage the same type of rev limiter as the Primary Rev Limiter (so if the
Three-Stage Rev Limiter is chosen for the Primary Rev Limiter, the Secondary Rev Limiter will also be a
The Secondary Rev Limiter is most often used in drag racing applications as a staging rev limiter. A
relay can be connected to the Trans-Brake on an automatic car, and when the brake is released, the relay
will break the connection between the MAT line and ground.
The MAT reading will obviously drop to zero volts, which corresponds to a temperature of 150C. It is
recommended that the Low Voltage Failure for the MAT be set slightly higher than zero volts to counteract
this effect. This will cause the MAT reading to go to the Failure Default Value.
The easiest way to wire the Secondary Rev Limiter is to use a standard 4-position relay. Using the
relay, Pins 30 and 87 will short to each other when 86 goes to +12 volts :
Relay Pin 30 :
MAT Sensor Signal (White 20awg,
Pin 21) from the connector AND from the
Relay Pin 87 :
Sensor Ground (Black/White 18awg,
Pin G6) from the MAT Connector AND
from the
Relay Pin 85 :
Vehicle Ground
Relay Pin 86 :
Switch to +12 Volts to activate Secondary Rev Limiter.
K.3. Primary Rev Limiter :
The Electromotive rev limiter is very flexible. For ignition control, the timing can be dropped to 0 degrees
on rev limit, or our 3-stage coil cut can be used. Fuel control can also be controlled with either no fuel cut,
a full fuel cut or the new progressive fuel cut. The options are described below.
L. Timing Control
L.1. Zero degree advance
his is the simplest rev limiter. When the rev limit is reached, timing is simply dropped to zero degrees.
This item is unlikely to do the job by itself in any but the lowest power applications.
L.2. 3-stage coil cut
The 3-stage coil cut uses three steps to limit RPMs. When the rev limit is reached, timing will drop to 12
degrees ATDC. This step by itself will cause a significant drop in power. However many high powered,
TECgt Manual Version 2.0
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©2008 Electromotive, Inc.