3. Squeeze the spring-loaded tabs at the top and
bottom of the switch and push the switch out of
the control panel.
Removing the oven or griddle indicator
1. Disconnect power from range and release
control panel.
2. Disconnect the indicator light wires in the
3. Press the light to the control panel and
disengage the light from the lens.
Removing the top burner valve switch:
1. Disconnect power from range and release the
control panel.
2. Disconnect the wires from the switch, remove
the screw holding the switch to the valve and
slide the switch forward off of the switch
locating pin.
Removing the top bypass orifice:
1. Disconnect power and be sure the gas valve is
turned off.
2. Release the control panel.
3. Using a common screwdriver, turn the bypass
orifice counterclockwise.
Removing the top simmer burner orifice:
1. Disconnect power and be sure the gas valve is
turned off.
2. Release the control panel.