2. If the seal is to be replaced open the door and pull
the seal from the liner. If the seal is to be reused,
separate the panels and use a small screwdriver to
push the tabs through the liner.
Removing the door handle:
1. Separate the panel and release the tabs holding
the handle in outer panel.
Removing the door strike:
1. Separate the panel, squeeze the ends of the strike
and push it through the inner panel.
Removing the door:
1. Open the door and remove the four screws holding
the door to the hinges.
Separating the door panel:
1. Remove the door.
2. Remove the two screws from the end and two
screws from the bottom.
3. Lift the inner panel off the outer panel.
Removing the door seal:
1. The door seal is fasten to the inner door liner by
expandable tabs pushed through slots in the liner.