IMTP(D) 2.2 – ITTP(D) 2.2/4.0/5.5/7.5 - ELECTROIL
The pump don’t switch off
for dry working when the
inlet pipe and the pump are
In normal working condition, with pump and pipes filled up, remake a check
procedure (Pump data -> Check=ON) and try again. If the problem remain
grow up the parameter: Motor Data -> Dry Working power stop, from 80%
default value doing 10% steps, testing every time the pump. If the problem
cannot disappear also with Dry working power stop more than 100%, verify
that pump haven’t any defect (fault seal, impellers, etc) that can cause a big
power absorbing also without water, in dry condition.
A group of two or more
inverters cannot
communicate between each
other in Master-Slave mode
For the BC inverters type read on left.
For the RS type check the correct connection RS485 by a two wires cable (A
to A and B to B).
Verify the communication set to Master-Slave on Advanced Functions ->
Group Functioning (code 0 for the inverter Master, code 1, 2, etc for all the
others Inverters Slave)
The Inverter conduct on the
input voltage supply line
electromagnetic noises that
disturb other electronic
Check Ground cable connections (Ground system must be radial type, with
resistance less than 10 Ohm).
All the Inverters have an internal Input EMC filtering stadium, but is available
also an additional EMC Input filter (various types, contact the service) for
bigger noise suppression with sensitive devices connected on the line.
With a long cable between
Inverter and Motor
sometimes the inverter stop
the motor in Pick Current
The motor can have high pick voltage value caused by the high frequency of
the PWM combined with the high capacitance to ground of the long cable: we
suggest to use an additional inverter output filter for cable longer than 40
meters connecting it directly on the Inverter output. Available various types of
output filters, contact the service to receive informations.
The Differential Circuit
Breaker on the line
sometimes switch off the
Check the Ground system resistance (must be less than 10 Ohm).
Use only differential circuit breaker type A (specific for Inverters).
The Magneto-Thermal
Circuit Breaker on the line
switch off the inverter when
the pump run at the
maximum power
All the inverters may have a high pick value of the sinusoidal caused by the
harmonics (5
, 7
, 11
etc.) and depending by the resistance of the line,
but this condition don’t increase the energy absorbing value depending by the
area under this current curve. Only you need to use a Magneto-Thermal
Circuit Breaker with a higher Current value than the value that you can use
for the direct pump controlled. Usually it’s enough a switch one step higher
than the switch useful for the simple motor (see table of the Magneto-
Thermal protection suggested on the handbook).
Table 13: Solution of the most common installation and working problems
Secondo le norme vigenti europee: garanzia di 2 anni calcolato a partire dalla data di fornitura dell’apparecchio salvo restando
ulteriori disposizioni di legge o contrattuali.
Per ricorrere a prestazioni di garanzia, si deve presentare alla ditta fornitrice il certificato di garanzia e la ricevuta o fattura di vendita.
La garanzia è esclusa o interrotta anticipatamente se i danni sono da imputare alle seguenti cause:
Influssi esterni, installazione non professionale, inosservanza delle istruzioni per l’uso, interventi da parte di sedi non autorizzate,
impiego di pezzi di ricambio non originali nonché normale usura. /
Under the current European low: guarantee of 2 years calculated from the date of delivery of prejudice further provisions of law or
To receive service assistance in guarantee, it must submit to the company providing the guarantee certificate completed.
The guarantee is excluded or interrupted in anticipation if the damage is caused to the following:
External influences, non-professional installation, non-compliance with instructions, interventions by unauthorized locations, use of
not original spare parts and normal wear.