![Electro-Voice REV Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 29](http://html.mh-extra.com/html/electro-voice/rev/rev_operating-instructions-manual_2380553029.webp)
Sec tion 9 - Fac tory Service
Fac tory Ser vice (North Amer ica)
If fac tory ser vice is re quired, ship the unit pre paid in its orig i nal car ton to:
EV Au dio Ser vice
c/o Telex Com mu ni ca tions, Inc.
8601 East Cornhusker High way
Lin coln, NE 68507-9702 U.S.A.
Tel: 402/467-5321 or 800-553-5992
Fax: 402/467-3279
En close a note de scrib ing the prob lem along with any other per ti nent in for ma tion and how to con tact you.
Fac tory Ser vice (Ex clud ing North Amer ica)
If fac tory ser vice is re quired, ship the unit pre paid in its orig i nal car ton to:
EVI Au dio GmbH
Hirschberger Ring 45
D-94315 Straubing
Tele phone: +49 (0) 9421 7060
Fax: +49 (0) 9421 706 265
En close a note de scrib ing the prob lem along with any other per ti nent in for ma tion and how to con tact you.
War ranty (Lim ited)
Elec tro-Voice prod ucts are guar an teed against mal func tion due to de fects in ma te ri als or work man ship for a spec i fied
pe riod, as noted in the in di vid ual prod uct-line state ment(s) be low, or in the in di vid ual prod uct data sheet or owner’s man -
ual, be gin ning with the date of orig i nal pur chase. If such mal func tion oc curs dur ing the spec i fied pe riod, the prod uct will
be re paired or re placed (at our op tion) with out charge. The prod uct will be re turned to the cus tomer pre paid via UPS
Ex clu sions and Lim i ta tions:
The Lim ited War ranty does not ap ply to: (a) ex te rior fin ish or ap pear ance; (b) cer tain spe -
cific de scribed in the in di vid ual prod uct-line state ment(s) be low, or in the in di vid ual prod uct data sheet or owner’s man -
ual; (c) mal func tion re sult ing from use or op er a tion of the prod uct other than as spec i fied in the prod uct data sheet or
owner’s man ual; (d) mal func tion re sult ing from mis use or abuse of the prod uct; or (e) mal func tion oc cur ring at any time
af ter re pairs have been made to the prod uct by any one other than Elec tro-Voice or any of its au tho rized ser vice rep re -
sen ta tives.
Ob tain ing War ranty Ser vice:
To ob tain war ranty ser
vice, the cus tomer must de liver the prod
uct, pre
paid, to Elec -
tro-Voice or any of its au tho rized ser vice rep re sen ta tives to gether with proof of pur chase of the prod uct in the form of a
bill of sale or re ceipted in voice. A list of au tho rized ser vice rep re sen ta tives is avail able from Elec tro-Voice.
In ci den tal and Con se quen tial Dam ages Ex cluded:
Prod uct re pair or re place ment and re turn to the cus tomer are the
only rem e dies pro vided to the cus tomer. Elec tro-Voice shall not be li a ble for any in ci den tal or con se quen tial dam ages in -
clud ing, with out lim i ta tion, in jury to per sons or prop erty or loss of use.
Other Rights (United States Only):
This war ranty gives you spe cific le gal rights and you may also have other rights
which vary from state to state.
Elec tro-Voice Wire less Sys tems
are guar an teed against mal func tion due to de fects in ma te ri als or work man ship for a
pe riod of three (3) years from the date of orig i nal pur chase. The Lim ited War ranty does not ex tend to ca bles or ca ble
con nec tors. Ad di tional de tails are in cluded in the Uni form Lim ited War ranty State ment. Tech ni cal As sis tance:
800-392-3497 (U.S. and Can ada only).