Group / Chan nel Edit Screen
Dis play:
Fre quency Band Des ig na tion
A or B
Group Num ber
18 fac tory + 2u user de fined
Chan nel Num ber:
01 - 16
TV Chan nel
US TV chan nel the cur rent fre quency is in
Trans mit / Re ceive Fre quency
24 MHz op er at ing band in 25 kHz steps
Con trols:
[MENU] goes to next screen
[UP] + [DOWN] for 3 sec onds Sets / Re sets Edit Lock out.
If Edit Mode is not locked out:
A. Starts Edit mode; Group Num ber be gins flash ing
Steps be tween Group Num ber and Chan nel Num ber, fre quency (in user groups only), la bel.
Se lected field flashes to in di cate it can be changed.
C. Ef fects change af ter [UP] or [DOWN] have been pressed, then re turns you to Dis play Mode.
[MENU] stops Edit mode with out ef fect ing changes since [SET] was last pressed.
[UP] or [DOWN] (in Edit Mode)
In cre ments or dec re ments se lected field when flash ing.
B. [UP] and [DOWN] auto-re peat when the but ton is held. Auto-re peat starts af ter the but ton has been held for
1 sec ond. Group and Chan nel have a slow auto-re peat.
Any time Group or Chan nel is changed, the Fre quency field is up dated to show the cor rect fre quency for that
Group and Chan nel.
Fig ure 15
Group / Chan nel Edit Screen