Au dio Edit
Dis play:
Au dio
Char ac ter Set
Con trols:
[MENU] re turns to main screen
[SET] (First time) en ters Au dio Edit Mode:
A. Starts flash ing Au dio Set ting
B. Se lects set ting and steps to next field
[UP] and [DOWN] change set ting that is flash ing.
Gui tar Mode:
When us ing the REV-BP as a wire less gui tar sys tem, the
Bodypack trans mit ter and the re ceiver need to be set in
Gui tar mode for op ti mal per for mance.
In Au dio Edit Screen press [UP/DOWN] to change be tween
Voice and Gui tar.
Press [SET] to save set ting.
Press [MENU] to re turn ra dio to the pre vi ous state.
Set Squelch Thresh old:
Dis play Mode:
Press [SET]
Con trols:
[SET] dis ables tone squelch and en ables edit mode
(al lows squelch level ad just ment). Squelch level will flash
in edit mode. Tone Squelch is dis abled.
[UP] raises the squelch thresh old.
[DOWN] low ers the squelch thresh old.
[SET] saves the new thresh old.
[MENU] (From edit mode) re stores thresh old to the
set ting just af ter the last time [SET] was pressed.
Fig ure 24
Au dio Edit Gui tar Screen
Fig ure 25
Squelch Screen
Fig ure 26
Squelch Edit Screen
Fig ure 23
Au dio Edit Screen