semitones until reaching G#6 (1661Hz) minor pentatonic at fully
clockwise. In Mode 2, this knob selects the center frequency of the
resonant filter. As TUNING is turned clockwise, the center frequency
gets higher.
When the illuminated FUNCTION button is blinking, the two mini knobs
change their function to provide alternate controls over the dual reverb
configuration. See the Dual Reverb section on page 28 for more details.
: Series or parallel
selects whether the dual reverbs are
arranged in a series or parallel configuration. In series, the output of
the first reverb engine feeds into the input of the second reverb
engine. In parallel, the outputs of both reverb engines are summed.
To arrange the dual reverbs in SERIES, turn this knob fully counter-
clockwise. To arrange them in PARALLEL, turn this knob fully
: Selects the order (for SERIES) or the mix balance (for
PARALELL) of the two reverb engines.
In SERIES, if this knob is turned to the counter-clockwise half, it
arranges the reverb engines as A first, B second (A
B). If this knob
is turned to the clockwise half, the reverb engines are arranged as B
first then A second (B
A). the order of the two reverb engines.
In PARALLEL, this knob mixes the outputs of the two reverb engines.
At noon or halfway, the mix is 100% reverb A added with 100% reverb
B. As the knob is turned counter-clockwise, the volume of reverb B
decreases, until when fully-clockwise the mix is 100% reverb A and
0% reverb B. Vice versa as the knob is turned clockwise past noon.