eT083 communicator is used with third-party PSTN/non-2G/3G alarm panels as a communication gateway via 2G/3G and IP-based networks for data
transmission from the alarm panel to monitoring station and/or listed user phone number by SMS text message.
The device comes equipped with PSTN line state supervision feature that in case of PSTN line loss would result in switching to a pre-configured communi-
cation method, such as 2G/3G, SMS, until the PSTN line is restored followed by notifying the monitoring station and/or listed user phone number by SMS
text message. The device can detect a physical PSTN line cut-off.
eT083 has 3 on-board digital inputs (normally closed or normally open) for alarm device’s PGM output or detection device connection, such as magnetic
door contact. By connecting the input to a non-2G/3G alarm panel’s PGM output, up to 3 listed user phone numbers will be able to receive an SMS text
message as well as to notify the monitoring station regarding arming/disarming and other events depending on the alarm panel configuration. In addition,
the on-board 2 tamper switches are intended for enclosure state supervision in case it is illegally opened or detached from the wall.
The device comes equipped with 3 open-collector outputs allowing up to 3 listed user phone numbers to turn ON or OFF the electrical appliances, such as
heating, lighting, lift the gates, blinds by free of charge phone call or SMS text message. Alternatively, the outputs can be controlled automatically based
on the associated eT083 input alarm/restore event. The outputs can also be used for PSTN or 2G/3G connection loss indication as well as for arming/
disarming by connecting an output to one of the alarm panel’s zones pre-configured as a keyswitch.
The device will ignore SMS requests and phone calls coming from non-listed phone numbers.