The new functions on the NANOVIP PLUS MEM
with respect to the NANOVIP PLUS model are
the following:
a) Recording of campaigns of automatic measures
in an internal serial memory of 8 Megabits
(1 Mbyte).. .........................................page 24
b) Addition and control of backlighting on display
LCD. ..................................................page 25
c) “Restore default” command of factory setup
parameters of the instrument.. ..........page 25
d) Display of the Active Power measure relative to
the harmonic selected.......................page 25
e) Downloading through serial line of the voltage
and current waveforms......................page 26
Management of Harmonics Autoscroll.
..........................................................page 28
g) New Modbus command for setting a determined
Harmonic.. ........................................page 28
h) Input for external DC feeder (6 VDC, 150 mA).
..........................................................page 29
Internal memory structure. ......................page 34
Downloading data on measure campaigns stored
in internal memory. ..................................page 38