• THD + DC HARMONIC measures:
YY MM GG HH MM 0x04 24 Byte record data SS Check
YY MM GG HH MM 0x14 24 Byte record data SS Check
YY MM GG HH MM 0x24 25 Byte record data
- YY, MM, DD, HH, MM are the year, month, day,
hour and minute when the record was stored
- 0x04 is the type of record: record 4, under record 0 (D6);
- Record data:
- V Total Harmonic Distortion factor
(ref. fundamental)
(D7..D9: base + exp)
- V THD (ref. RMS)
(D10..D12: base + exp)
- I THD (ref. fundamental)
(D13..D15: base + exp)
- I THD (ref. RMS)
(D16..D18: base + exp)
- V Crest Value
(D19..D21: base + exp)
- V % Crest Value
(D22..D24: base + exp)
- I Crest Value
(D25..D27: base + exp)
- I % Crest Value
(D28..D30: base + exp)
- SS are the seconds
- D32 Modbus check-sum
- 0x14 is the type of record: record 4, under record 1 (D6);
- Record data:
- VDC Ripple
(D7..D9: base + exp)
- % VDC Ripple
(D10..D12: base + exp)
- ADC Ripple
(D13..D15: base + exp)
- % ADC Ripple
(D16..D18: base + exp)
- D19..D30 not used
- SS are the seconds (D31)
- D32 Modbus check-sum
- 0x24 is the type of record: record 4, under record 2 (D6);
- Record data:
- Harmonic N selected
(D7 decimal)
- Harmonic N volt
(D8..D10: base + exp)
- Harmonic N volt ref. to fundamental
(D11..D13: base + exp)
- Harmonic N amps
(D14..D16: base + exp)
- Harmonic N amps ref. to fundamental
(D17..D19: base + exp)
- Cosphi Harmonic N
(D20..D22: base + exp)
- volt fundamental
(D23..D25: base + exp)
- amps fundamental
(D26..D28: base + exp)
- cosphi fundamental
(D29..D31: base + exp)
- D32 check-sum tipo Modbus
The base + exp values are represented as:
lsb_base(bcd), msb_base(bcd), exp(decimal).
Through the Setup menu (LOG SETUP) the data
recording mode can be configured:
- LOG_RATE - Setup of measures sampling time;
allowable values are 00..99 (00 = every two
measure cycles, i.e., every 2 seconds; 01..99