5.14 Malicious Call Identification (MCID)
If your telecommunications network supports the MCID service attribute you can
activate MCID with the following sequence. This service supports only incoming
5.15 TP – Terminal Portability
To change the terminal equipment or to change to another telephone connected to
your NT1+2a/b during an active call you can use this service if supported by your
provider. If you wish to
Suspend an active call:
whereby the park code is fixed automatically at default value 8. You need the same
park code to identify the parked call at resume time.
After you have hooked on your telephone you can disconnect it and plug another
one or you can change to another one.
To get you suspended call back you have to
Resume a suspended call:
whereby the same park code must be used as in the suspended call. Now you can
continue your interrupted call.
If there was an other park code from your ISDN terminal used you can change the
park code as described in the following sequence:
[D] #
[D] … new reserved park code, which is used automatically for the next
Suspend/Resume Procedure
If another call is active while you try to suspend a call suspension is rejected by
the network. You will hear the error tone sequence for a short time and your
present call will stay active.
If you suspend a call and before you resume another call is established by
another telephone you will hear the busy tone after you hooked off. Nether less
you can resume the call with the above sequence.
You can also hand over a call between analogue and ISDN telephone. You only
have to select the same park code. Please look inside the user manual of your
ISDN terminal.