last money: indicates the channel where the last money
was inserted
meter error: number of times that the counters failed
during counting
coin/bill: number of problems with the coin- or bill
dispenser error: number of times that the dispenser didn’t
pay or paid to late
payout errors: number of times that the payout-regulator
warns for a payout that is too high (warnings for a to high / to low payout aren’t registered).
data errors: number of errors related to communication
clear diagnostics: to clear all the diagnostics above, except the meter errors
Mechanical diagnostics
This menu will help you to detect a mechanical problem. Mostly you can solve these
problems yourself by adjusting the switches. The switches can be checked by hand and with
help of the information (i) “gantry in” in the “selftest” menu.
last mech err: indicates an error code of the last
mechanical error, also indicated on the display.
mechanic.err: number of mechanical errors since last
home SW warn: the system suspects a problem with the
forward switch
left SW warn: the system suspects a problem with the
sideward switch
home failure: the systems suspects a problem while
coming back (SW1 and/or SW2).
down SW stuck: the system suspects that SW4 stays
down SW open: the system suspects that SW4 stays
down failure: It takes to long before SW4 is detected. This
can be caused by obstructing a movement..
up SW stuck: the system suspects that SW3 stays closed.
up SW open: the system suspects that SW3 stays open.
up failure: it takes too long before SW3 is detected. This can be caused by obstructing the
upward movement.
string broken: the system suspects that the string is broken.
grabber stuck: the system suspects that the grabber doesn’t go down.
grabber fail: the system suspects an open or a short grab circuit while starting the game or
while playing the game.
clear diagnostics: to clear all the above mentioned diagnostics. This is necessary after
every error to obtain a correct view of the most recent errors.
i last money 4
i meter error 0
i coin/bill 0
i dispenser error 0
i pay out errors 0
i data errors 0
S clear diagnostics
i last mech err 4
i #mechanic. err 0
i #home SW warn 0
i #left SW warn. 0
i #home failure 0
i #down SW stuck 0
i #down SW open 0
i #down failure 0
i #up SW stuck 0
i #up SW open 0
i #up failure 0
i #string broken 0
i #grabber stuck 0
i #grabber fail. 0
S clear diagnostics